Animation with Photography and Illustration
Welcome. This page represents my journal and journey through creation of animation, particularly for websites. Animations on this page include: website theme animations, background video, vector SVG aka Lottie file, animated GIFs, and image sequences.

“Blue Sky” plane animation: this sequence was created with multiple layers and tools, including Photoshop and After Effects.
From back to front, layers include: background video (mp4), logo (png), animated GIF.
SVG vector animation with Lottie File
Art created in Photoshop and Figma, exported to SVG, animated in Jaiku Animator. File size is only 13 kb.

Animated GIF character
Art created wth pen tool in Photoshop. Animated via timeline tool in Photoshop. File size is 21kb.
Animations are a beautiful way to engage visitors. They and add a visual flourish to a web page or app. Illustrations are hot in web design right now – and being able to animate them elevates their effectiveness. Photography and video are also key and can be added to an animation.
Long Exposure Time-lapse Animation
Photo animation created in Photoshop from 48-frame image sequence. Shot with 1/2 second long exposure over 90 seconds.
File size is 1.2 MB for web. Original export is 40 MB.
Animated background movie
Cherry blossom tree branch moves gently and two blossoms fall away.
Art created in Photoshop from stock illustration. Animated in Haiku Animator. File size is 356 k.
Photo Animation from Image Sequence
A 36-frame photo sequence shot with 1/4 second exposure in downtown Toronto.
Animate your site
A little animation goes a long wayGet in touch and let’s collaborate!